Spring 2012

Spring 2012 PDF cover

In This Issue

The University celebrates the 40th anniversary of coeducation and women living on campus. PLUS: A one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary intersession course takes students outside their comfort zone.

Scranton Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Coeducation banner image Feature

Scranton Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Coeducation

This year The University of Scranton celebrates the 40th anniversary of women studying and living on campus.

Remembering Our Miracle in the Mountains banner image Alumni News

Remembering Our Miracle in the Mountains

Clare Devine ’08, Martina Martin ’80, Patrick Morgan ’01 and Jeff Manganaro ’02 discuss why they remember "Our Miracle in the Mountains."

Providing Hope in Haiti banner image Alumni Profiles

Providing Hope in Haiti

On Sept. 18, 2011, alongside a few colleagues and a group of Scranton physical therapy alumni, I embarked on a service trip to Haiti that I can say was both challenging and extremely rewarding.

Alumni News banner image Alumni News

Alumni News

The following articles highlighting recent alumni events, activities and initiatives at The University of Scranton.

Highlights from Scranton Athletics banner image Athletics

Highlights from Scranton Athletics

The University of Scranton Athletic Department had many reasons to celebrate this season with Coach Mike Strong setting a NCAA record for victories, the men's basketball team advancing to the Elite Eight, and the women's soccer team clinching its second straight conference title!

Los Angeles: The Ideal Classroom banner image Feature

Los Angeles: The Ideal Classroom

The University's one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary intersession course takes students outside their comfort zone while visiting Los Angeles, Calif.

Above the Competition: Ashley Vosilla banner image Athletics

Above the Competition: Ashley Vosilla

Ashley Vosilla '12, a softball player, is one of several Scranton student-athletes taking their respective programs to new heights. Appropriately, we recently photographed Vosilla with Scranton’s skyline as a backdrop.

Above the Competition: Anthony Duchnowski banner image Athletics

Above the Competition: Anthony Duchnowski

Anthony Duchnowski '13, a Royal baseball player, is one of several Scranton student-athletes taking their respective programs to new heights. Appropriately, we recently photographed Duchnowski with Scranton’s skyline as a backdrop.

Above the Competition: Dan Slade banner image Athletics

Above the Competition: Dan Slade

Dan Slade '12, a lacrosse player, is one of several Scranton student-athletes taking their respective programs to new heights. Appropriately, we recently photographed Slade with Scranton’s skyline as a backdrop.

A Look Back with Bob Hickey '67 banner image Alumni Profiles

A Look Back with Bob Hickey '67

Bob Hickey '67 recalls his four memorable years at the "U," as well as why he joined his reunion class committee.

Entrepreneurship: Seizing Your Opportunities banner image Feature

Entrepreneurship: Seizing Your Opportunities

The University's new entrepreneurship minor teaches students to think critically and identify business possibilities.

Setting Her Sights on Improving Vision banner image Alumni Profiles

Setting Her Sights on Improving Vision

Many children are prescribed glasses, but for Arlene V. Drack, M.D. ’81 this set in motion a course that determined her future.

Alumna Finds Her Purpose on 'The Last Frontier' banner image Alumni Profiles

Alumna Finds Her Purpose on 'The Last Frontier'

When Lauren Hahn ’11 departed for her AmeriCorps service project in Sitka, Alaska, last August, she expected to see grizzly bears and snow squalls. Instead, she found a small town with more inspiration than snowflakes.

Alumnus Brings Behavioral Healthcare to People Who Need it Most banner image Alumni Profiles

Alumnus Brings Behavioral Healthcare to People Who Need it Most

Michael Breslin ’71 has seen what healthcare can do for people with special needs. He’s watched children taken out of abusive situations go on to graduate from college. He’s witnessed the mentally disabled receive the care and structure they need to be happy and healthy.

Remembering Michael Mulhall ’10 banner image Alumni Profiles

Remembering Michael Mulhall ’10

It has taken me some time to write this letter because the pain of the loss we suffered during the summer of 2010 was unimaginable. I am from Floral Park, N.Y., and was good friends with Michael Mulhall ’10, who passed away tragically, along with sisters Jamie and Paige Malone, in a car accident on their way to work at Camp Anchor.

Why I Picked Scranton banner image On the Commons

Why I Picked Scranton

Mary Ellen Taggart Ford ’76, Karen Pennington, Ph.D.’76, G’83, and Carolyn Schumacher Esgro ’76, G’81 recall what led them to Scranton 40 years ago, shortly after the University's decision to go coed.

University News banner image On the Commons

University News

The following news items highlight the many recent accomplishments, events and milestones at The University of Scranton.

Get to Know Michael A. Hardisky, Ph.D. banner image One-on-One

Get to Know Michael A. Hardisky, Ph.D.

Michael A. Hardisky, Ph.D., sat down to talk about his nearly three decades at The University of Scranton and the professor of biology didn't fail to amuse us! Check out what he had to say here!

Journalists in Training banner image On the Commons

Journalists in Training

Now in its fifth year, the Northeastern Pennsylvania Journalism Boot Camp – a collaborative effort with The Times-Tribune and Marywood University – helps students understand and apply curricular learning through interdisciplinary sessions serving both professional and liberal arts goals.

Faculty News banner image Focus on Faculty

Faculty News

The following news items highlight the many recent accomplishments and research experiences of our faculty and staff members.

Student News banner image On the Commons

Student News

The following news items highlight the recent recognition, awards and activities involving University of Scranton students.

Get Social with Scranton banner image On the Commons

Get Social with Scranton

Are you on social media? We are, too! Check out The University of Scranton on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and Foursquare. We post daily, so don't miss our updates on University-related news and activities!

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