Spring 2017

Spring 2017 PDF cover

In This Issue

Students in Residential Learning Communities find support in one another, reinforcing the University's overall sense of community. PLUS: Micronesian students study at Scranton and the Women's Entrepreneurship Center helps female small businesses get their start.

Residential Learning Communities Make a Difference banner image Feature Cover Story

Residential Learning Communities Make a Difference

Students in Residential Learning Communities find support in one another, reinforcing the University’s overall sense of community.

More Campus Updates banner image Web Exclusive

More Campus Updates

See more photos and video of recent campus updates and plans for the future.

More Answers from Students from Micronesia banner image Web Exclusive

More Answers from Students from Micronesia

We talked with our current students from Micronesia about their connection to Scranton and their experience here. This is what they had to say.

McPartland's Trainings banner image Web Exclusive

McPartland's Trainings

Ray McPartland '97 trains police officers and civilians on how to prepare for active-shooter situations. Read what he has to say.

How We are Doing: Case Survey banner image Web Exclusive

How We are Doing: Case Survey

We used the CASE (Council for Advancement & Support of Education) Readership Survey, which allows us to compare our results with more than 350 other institutions that also used the same instrument.

A 30-Year Journey banner image Feature

A 30-Year Journey

Students have been volunteering in Micronesia since the late ’80s, and, three decades later, the University has nine students from Micronesia and a long list of alumni.

More Answers from Cheryl Boga banner image Web Exclusive

More Answers from Cheryl Boga

Cheryl Boga talks more about Jesuit education and the arts.

Performance Music Reunion banner image Alumni News

Performance Music Reunion

More than 150 Performance Music alumni returned to campus to celebrate director of Performance Music Cheryl Boga’s 35th year at The University of Scranton.

Maguire Scholars: A Second Family banner image Alumni News

Maguire Scholars: A Second Family

Scholars bond at Scranton.

Celebrating Scholarship banner image Alumni News

Celebrating Scholarship

Noelle Niessen '17 is thankful for the opportunity to study at Scranton, and receiving the Every Family Scholarship helped make it possible.

Hand in Hand banner image Feature

Hand in Hand

Scranton’s Women’s Entrepreneurship Center helps female small-business owners get their start, and in turn supports the local economy and community.

The President's Business Council 15th Annual Award Dinner Honors Francis J. Dubas Jr. ’75 & Bernard R. McIlhenny, S.J., H’98 banner image Alumni News

The President's Business Council 15th Annual Award Dinner Honors Francis J. Dubas Jr. ’75 & Bernard R. McIlhenny, S.J., H’98

The President’s Business Council 15th Annual Award Dinner honored University Trustee Francis J. Dubas Jr. ’75 and University Dean of Admissions Emeritus the Rev. Bernard R. McIlhenny, S.J., H’98.

Honoring the Past, Looking to the Future banner image Alumni News

Honoring the Past, Looking to the Future

As one of his final acts, an alumnus honors his father with a new professorship.

Keeping the Faith banner image Alumni Profiles

Keeping the Faith

An alumni couple who adopt children from around the world relies on faith to get through.

Women’s Soccer Continues Its Winning Tradition banner image Athletics

Women’s Soccer Continues Its Winning Tradition

Finishing with a 17-1-2 record and capturing its fifth Landmark Conference title and 21st conference title overall, the women’s soccer team enjoyed one of its best seasons in program history.

Men’s Soccer Wins Second Straight Conference Title banner image Athletics

Men’s Soccer Wins Second Straight Conference Title

On a quest to win its second straight Landmark Conference title, the men’s soccer team defeated top-seeded Elizabethtown, 1-0, on the road in early November.

Men’s Basketball Tips off 100th Season banner image Athletics

Men’s Basketball Tips off 100th Season

The men’s basketball team tipped off the 100th season in team history when the Royals hosted the Hilton Scranton Invitational in the Long Center in November.

University Inducts Four Into Athletics Wall of Fame banner image Athletics

University Inducts Four Into Athletics Wall of Fame

The four newest members of the University’s Athletics Wall of Fame were inducted on Saturday, Feb. 18.

Women's Golf Team Makes Its Debut banner image Athletics

Women's Golf Team Makes Its Debut

The first women's golf match in University of Scranton history was played on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Highlights banner image Athletics


Athletics photos and news from the fall are featured here.

The Advocate: Anne Marie Mulcahy ’00 banner image Alumni Profiles

The Advocate: Anne Marie Mulcahy ’00

A lawyer, inspired by her parents and Jesuit volunteer work, protects and defends the country’s immigrant youth.

Ground Control: Thomas E. Clarke Jr. ’73, G’75 banner image Alumni Profiles

Ground Control: Thomas E. Clarke Jr. ’73, G’75

An alumnus’s behind-the-scenes career at NASA yields big results.

Trained to Defend: Ray McPartland ’97 banner image Alumni Profiles

Trained to Defend: Ray McPartland ’97

A criminal justice graduate never could have anticipated that he would one day help set the standard for responding to active shooter incidents.

University Receives Gift from Scranton Estate banner image On the Commons

University Receives Gift from Scranton Estate

Seventy-five years after Worthington Scranton donated the Estate, the University received a $1.4 million gift from the estate of his son.

Congolese Cuisine and Culture Shared at Global Tastes Event banner image On the Commons

Congolese Cuisine and Culture Shared at Global Tastes Event

Area residents learned about the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) directly from members of Scranton’s Congolese refugee community.

Ten Named Presidential Scholars banner image On the Commons

Ten Named Presidential Scholars

Ten university students have been named Presidential Scholars.

Tony Award-winner and Native Scrantonian Receives Distinguished Author Award banner image On the Commons

Tony Award-winner and Native Scrantonian Receives Distinguished Author Award

The Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library presented the Distinguished Author Award to Scranton native Stephen Karam.

Program News banner image On the Commons

Program News

There is always a lot happening at The University of Scranton. Here are just a few highlights about some of our programs.

Case Survey banner image On the Commons

Case Survey

In the fall, we asked readers of The Scranton Journal to fill out a survey that would help us improve the magazine. We were thrilled to receive more than 800 entries!

University Receives $15,000 CVS Health Community Grant banner image On the Commons

University Receives $15,000 CVS Health Community Grant

A CVS Health Community Grant will help the University begin a yearlong smoking-cessation program that will be run through CHEW.

International Students Take Center Stage on Campus banner image On the Commons

International Students Take Center Stage on Campus

Multiple events run by students at The University of Scranton in November highlight the many cultures from throughout the world represented on the Jesuit campus.

Scranton Alumna and Professor Featured at Environmental Award Dinner banner image On the Commons

Scranton Alumna and Professor Featured at Environmental Award Dinner

The 26th Annual Environmental Partnership Awards and Dinner featured both a recent University alumna.

Focus on Career Success After Graduation banner image On the Commons

Focus on Career Success After Graduation

Several events during the fall 2016 semester focused on career success after graduation, including a career fair and a talk by a New York Times best-selling author.

Ceremony Remembers Those Who ‘Upon Death Became Teachers’ banner image On the Commons

Ceremony Remembers Those Who ‘Upon Death Became Teachers’

Students joined faculty and staff of PCPS for a service to honor those who donated their bodies to further education in the health professions.

University Joins Marywood to Raise Diversity Awareness banner image On the Commons

University Joins Marywood to Raise Diversity Awareness

The University teamed up with Marywood University to increase campus diversity awareness.

Annual Henry George Lecture Topic is Economics of Immigration banner image On the Commons

Annual Henry George Lecture Topic is Economics of Immigration

“The Economics of Immigration” was the topic of the 31st Henry George Lecture in November.

AT&T Campaign to Stop Distracted Driving Visits Campus banner image On the Commons

AT&T Campaign to Stop Distracted Driving Visits Campus

AT&T’s It Can Wait® virtual reality (VR) experience visited the University in September, giving students and staff a chance to safely experience the danger of taking their eyes off the road to look at smartphones.

Why I am proud to be . . . #JesuitEducated banner image On the Commons

Why I am proud to be . . . #JesuitEducated

Several of our alumni reflect on what their Jesuit education has meant to them. What does it mean to you? Share your thoughts with us by tagging us and using #JesuitEducated.

Election Season Brings a Flurry of Campus Political Activity banner image On the Commons

Election Season Brings a Flurry of Campus Political Activity

The election season was active and interactive at Scranton, which hosted several events that enabled the University community to become more informed about the issues.

University Dedicates New Veterans and ROTC Resource Lounge banner image On the Commons

University Dedicates New Veterans and ROTC Resource Lounge

The University dedicated and blessed a new Veterans and ROTC Resource Lounge.

Campus Update banner image On the Commons

Campus Update

The University community said goodbye to old Loyola this past summer to make way for a new campus green. Read about other campus updates here.

One-on-One with Cheryl Boga, Director of Performance Music banner image One-on-One

One-on-One with Cheryl Boga, Director of Performance Music

A Q&A with Cheryl Boga, the director of Performance Music

Faculty News banner image Focus on Faculty

Faculty News

A collection of faculty news from summer and fall 2016 is below.

Remembering Father Panuska: Papa Bear, Our Loving Steward banner image On the Commons

Remembering Father Panuska: Papa Bear, Our Loving Steward

“Of all the greetings I have received as president, none sound so sweet as ‘Papa Bear.’”

Remembering Father Panuska: The Papa Bear Fund banner image On the Commons

Remembering Father Panuska: The Papa Bear Fund

“If only every qualified and needy student could receive a scholarship!” - Fr. Panuska

Remembering Father Panuska: A Timeline banner image On the Commons

Remembering Father Panuska: A Timeline

Read how the boy from east Baltimore grew up to become the president of The University of Scranton.

Remembering Father Panuska: Photos banner image On the Commons

Remembering Father Panuska: Photos

See more photos of Father Panuska while he was at Scranton.

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