There are certain values or mantras that I repeat to myself, and they’re from The University of Scranton. Being a woman “for and with others.” Magis — always doing more, as much as I can. The biggest one is “going forth and setting the world on fire” . . . I am driven by it. All the time, I think, “This is what I have to do.” — Holly Pilcalvage ’12, founder, Project Wednesday, a weekly inspirational email that seeks to foster positive human development
My pursuit of an MBA, my military experience and my years of climbing the corporate ladder provided a diverse set of environments in which I came to more fully appreciate the value of a Jesuit education.
— Bob Hickey ’67, partner, Newport Board Group, LLC
My Jesuit education laid a strong foundation for my personal and professional growth. Magis — a restless pursuit of excellence grounded in gratitude — is central to the Ignatian vision. I keep this concept front of mind . . . always. — Kate Madden ’01, co-owner, Fresh Start Careers, LLC, a career services provider for companies and job candidates
I feel, even by my small contribution each year to various charities or community service events, that if I can make someone’s day better . . . I can make an impact in a positive way on the people of my community.
— Anonymous, engineering alumnus
The community I found in my Jesuit education gives me the courage to offer my whole self to others. — Sarah Neitz ’12, Ph.D. candidate in sociology, University of Notre Dame
The Jesuit way of liberating minds from preconceived notions and present culture, lighting the fire of critical thought and curiosity, and fomenting a passion to serve has helped me succeed in everything I have pursued. In a world of such powerful persuasion toward questionable values, the morals I gained in those four years have kept me focused on what is truly important in life.
— Rob Montone ’87, account director, EarthLink Business, LLC
Whether it’s putting more effort into an assignment or joining clubs and volunteering, I believe that striving for the Magis will help me in all aspects of life. I am proud to be #JesuitEducated because I know I will carry the Jesuit values with me throughout my life. I know when I need to stop and reflect during the day to appreciate what I have and I understand how lucky I am. This is all credited to my Jesuit education.” – Kate Lynn Duggan '17