Spring - April 2021

Spring - April 2021 PDF cover

In This Issue

A special section on Father Pilarz, 'a pastor and teacher to the end.' PLUS: Members of the University community take stock of their losses and prepare for a springtime “rebirth" after a tumultuous year and an alumnus creates Wonderspaces.

Remembering Father Pilarz: Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. Scholarship Fund banner image Feature

Remembering Father Pilarz: Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. Scholarship Fund

Donations to the Pilarz Scholarship fund provides financial support to students at Scranton.

Alumni Remember Father Pilarz banner image Alumni News

Alumni Remember Father Pilarz

The University continues to gather tributes to the late president.

Investing in Tomorrow With Edward M. Skovira, M.D. ‘53 banner image Alumni News

Investing in Tomorrow With Edward M. Skovira, M.D. ‘53

For decades, Edward M. Skovira, M.D. ’53 invested in the students living and learning at The University of Scranton.

University To Honor Karpovich With 2021 Carlesimo Award June 14 banner image Alumni News

University To Honor Karpovich With 2021 Carlesimo Award June 14

The University of Scranton’s 2021 Carlesimo Golf Tournament & Award Dinner will be held at Glenmaura National Golf Club in Moosic on Monday, June 14.

University To Celebrate Day Of Giving May 6 banner image Alumni News

University To Celebrate Day Of Giving May 6

The University of Scranton will celebrate its seventh annual Day of Giving on May 6, 2021. This year, the goal is to reach 2,427 donors by midnight on 5.06 in honor of the University’s 24th and 27th president, the Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.

Remembering Father Pilarz: Memorial Site banner image Feature

Remembering Father Pilarz: Memorial Site

On March 17, the University launched a memorial website to honor the life and service of Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., The University of Scranton’s 24th and 27th president, who passed away on March 10, 2021.

University Releases ‘Bridges To El Salvador: A University of Scranton Documentary’ banner image Alumni News

University Releases ‘Bridges To El Salvador: A University of Scranton Documentary’

The University recently released "Bridges To El Salvador: A University of Scranton Documentary," a video that chronicles Scranton's 20-year relationship with the people of Las Delicias, a village in El Salvador.

COVID Testing Protocols Allow Scranton Student-Athletes Back in the Game banner image Athletics

COVID Testing Protocols Allow Scranton Student-Athletes Back in the Game

Scranton completes a rigorous testing program each week with each athletic team beginning in January.

Four Fall Sports Teams Complete Successful Spring Campaign: The Scranton Journal banner image Athletics

Four Fall Sports Teams Complete Successful Spring Campaign: The Scranton Journal

After having their respective fall schedules canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, four University of Scranton teams made the most of a shortened schedule.

Athletics Spring Update banner image Athletics

Athletics Spring Update

After finishing a shortened fall sports season at the end of March, the University's spring athletics teams raced into action, playing a Landmark Conference only slate of games that concluded in early May.

Remembering Father Pilarz: Video banner image Feature

Remembering Father Pilarz: Video

Highlights from Father Pilarz's tenures at Scranton are featured in these videos.

Jessica Rothchild ’11, DPT ’14: For the Love of Scranton banner image Alumni Profiles

Jessica Rothchild ’11, DPT ’14: For the Love of Scranton

A DPT alumna’s love for the Electric City steers her into a second career as an elected official.

Patrick M. Charles ’05: Creating Wonderspaces banner image Alumni Profiles

Patrick M. Charles ’05: Creating Wonderspaces

A Marine turned entrepreneur opens space for large-scale art.

Focus on Faculty banner image Focus on Faculty

Focus on Faculty

Read news and highlights about faculty from the spring 2021 semester.

ONE-ON-ONE with Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., the Next University President banner image One-on-One

ONE-ON-ONE with Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., the Next University President

Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., the newly named 29th president of The University of Scranton, answered a few questions about himself, the University, its strategic plan, the city and more in a Q&A session.

Remembering Father Pilarz: A Timeline banner image Feature

Remembering Father Pilarz: A Timeline

Highlights from Father Pilarz's life and tenures as the University's 24th and 27th president are featured in this timeline.

CAS Dean Discusses the Francis Factor banner image On the Commons

CAS Dean Discusses the Francis Factor

Michelle Gonzalez Maldonado, Ph.D., dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was among the distinguished panelists who participated in “The Francis Factor at Eight Years: Global Impacts, U.S. Challenges."

University Program News banner image On the Commons

University Program News

Get a roundup of program news from the winter and spring here.

State of Scranton: U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright Discusses American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 banner image On the Commons

State of Scranton: U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright Discusses American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The spring semester’s State of Scranton series seminar featuring Representative Matt Cartwright, U.S. House Representative for Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District was offered virtually on April 12.

Law Scholarship Started for Scranton STEM Grads banner image On the Commons

Law Scholarship Started for Scranton STEM Grads

University alumnus William F. Demarest, Jr. ’69, established a scholarship for Scranton students attending Boston College School of Law.

A Special Section on Father Pilarz: ‘A Pastor and Teacher to the End’ banner image Feature Cover Story

A Special Section on Father Pilarz: ‘A Pastor and Teacher to the End’

Father Pilarz drew on the words and lessons of Jesuits, poets and philosophers to shape and share his worldview, inspiring countless others and forever changing the face and soul of the University he dubbed the ‘miracle in the mountains.’

Stabler Foundation Scholarship Established banner image On the Commons

Stabler Foundation Scholarship Established

The University received a second grant from the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation to establish an endowed scholarship fund to support students who demonstrate financial need and academic potential.

Students Featured in News for Community-Based Learning Project banner image On the Commons

Students Featured in News for Community-Based Learning Project

University students were quoted in an article that appeared in Yahoo! News and Scranton Times-Tribune about their experience conducting an inventory survey of Scranton businesses.

Grant Supports Turning a Career Into a Vocation banner image On the Commons

Grant Supports Turning a Career Into a Vocation

The University will launch an effort to extend to all four years of study a successful First-Year Seminar program that encourages student reflection on vocation.

Father Pilarz Memorial Website banner image On the Commons

Father Pilarz Memorial Website

The University has launched a memorial website to honor the life and service of Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., The University of Scranton’s 24th and 27th president, who passed away on March 10, 2021.

‘One Foot Raised for the Journey’ banner image Feature

‘One Foot Raised for the Journey’

Members of the University community take stock of their losses and prepare for a springtime “rebirth.”

A Year in the Making: The Louis Stanley Brown Black Student Union banner image On the Commons

A Year in the Making: The Louis Stanley Brown Black Student Union

The Black Student Union draws its name from Mr. Louis Stanley Brown, who earned a commercial degree in the Class of 1919 and is the University’s first Black graduate.

University Students Create Fun and Educational Science Videos for Kids banner image On the Commons

University Students Create Fun and Educational Science Videos for Kids

University of Scranton Magis Honors Program students have worked to create a series of fun and educational science videos for kids.

A Shared Experience: Ignatian Humanities banner image On the Commons

A Shared Experience: Ignatian Humanities

A flame ignited in the hearts of students from Jesuit universities across the globe they discussed the unique ways in which their shared experience of Ignatian humanities shape their lives around the common goal of making the world a better place for all.

Vaccination Clinic Held on Campus banner image On the Commons

Vaccination Clinic Held on Campus

The University partnered with Hometown Healthcare of NEPA to hold a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students, faculty and staff in the Byron Recreation Complex on April 23.

Students Share Their Take on the New University Strategic Plan banner image On the Commons

Students Share Their Take on the New University Strategic Plan

In fall 2020, the University approved a new strategic plan. Comprised of five goals, the plan articulates our community’s shared commitments to grow and improve the University in the years to come.

University Plans In-Person Activities, Classes banner image On the Commons

University Plans In-Person Activities, Classes

The University of Scranton announced plans for its return to fully in-person classes for fall, as well as in-person Commencement ceremonies in May 2021.

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