Gene Gibbons ’64, H’96 Donates Collection to Library

The Weinberg Memorial Library received a journalism-related collection from Gene Gibbons ’64, H’96.

Images with Presidents Clinton and Reagan and Vice President Gore are part of the donated collection.
Images with Presidents Clinton and Reagan and Vice President Gore are part of the donated collection.

The Weinberg Memorial Library received a journalism-related collection from Gene Gibbons ’64, H’96. Gibbons, who recently wrote a memoir about his career as a White House correspondent for United Press International and Reuters, donated items documenting his career, including photographs, press briefing books for presidential summit meetings and books autographed by politicians and fellow journalists.

Gibbons, an elementary school classmate of President Joe Biden, covered six U.S. presidents during his career. His memoir is titled Breaking News: Six Presidents — The Queen — A Pope. A Life in Journalism.

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