Mechanical Engineering in Hyland Hall

The renovated space on the ground floor of Hyland Hall now includes three laboratories, a workshop, a machine shop, a 16-seat computer lab, faculty offices and a student lounge area.

Thomas Tate, Esq. ’56, visits campus and tours the exhibit “New Frontiers: The Thomas N. Tate, Esq. ’56 Collection of Aerospace Memorabilia,” which he donated to the University. The collection will be permanently displayed in the new 5,300 square-foot, state-of-the-art learning and laboratory space for the mechanical engineering program in Hyland Hall.
Thomas Tate, Esq. ’56, visits campus and tours the exhibit “New Frontiers: The Thomas N. Tate, Esq. ’56 Collection of Aerospace Memorabilia,” which he donated to the University. The collection will be permanently displayed in the new 5,300 square-foot, state-of-the-art learning and laboratory space for the mechanical engineering program in Hyland Hall.

During the summer, the University renovated the first floor of Hyland Hall to make space for its new mechanical engineering program. The renovated space on the ground floor of Hyland Hall now includes three laboratories, a workshop, a machine shop, a 16-seat computer lab, faculty offices and a student lounge area.

“The Physics and Engineering Department at Scranton emphasizes active and applied learning methods to educate our students,” said W. Andrew Berger, Ph.D., professor and chair of the department. “The renovated facilities will allow us to use the latest in laboratory, simulation and modeling techniques to prepare our students to be successful in their professional careers in mechanical engineering.”

In the renovated space, mechanical engineering students will experiment with several pieces of equipment in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, control dynamics and vibration labs. Students, like aerospace scientists, will work with a wind tunnel, through which they will determine important fluid characteristics by measuring aerodynamics pressures, forces and moments applied to aerodynamics models such as airfoil models by the airflow in laminar and turbulent flows. They will also investigate the behavior of engineering materials by performing precise tensile and compression tests using state-of-the-art Instron equipment to determine material properties such as strength, modulus of elasticity, yield and failure stresses of standard engineering materials.

Read about Thomas Tate, Esq. ’56 and his visit to campus, here.

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