Update to the Living Wage Report Presented

A comprehensive report that details how conditions have changed three years after the groundbreaking “Living Wage Report 2016" is released.

livingwagemain.jpegIn partnership with The Institute for Public Policy and Economic Development, the University’s Office of Community and Government Relations, the Ellacuría Initiative and the Political Science Department released a comprehensive report that details how conditions have changed three years after their groundbreaking “Living Wage Report 2016.” A living wage is a rate at which a worker can reach a standard of living that meets essential basic needs and enables the worker to live a modest but dignified life.

Numerous families in Lackawanna and Luzerne fall below official federal poverty measurements and there are also many others who work full-time and are above the poverty line, but still fall short of a living wage that can adequately provide for themselves and their children, according to the study that offers recommendations to close the gap and promote economic security.

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