New Strategic Plan Approved

At its meeting on Sept. 25, the Board of Trustees unanimously and enthusiastically approved a new University-wide strategic plan.

stratplanmain.jpegAt its meeting on Sept. 25, the Board of Trustees unanimously and enthusiastically approved a new University-wide strategic plan. Grounded in our Catholic and Jesuit mission, the plan will guide the University's transformative work and help navigate changes, challenges, and opportunities for the coming five years, and well beyond.

In the weeks ahead, we will launch a new strategic plan website to serve as an important space for details and updates about the plan’s implementation, progress, and impact. 

"No doubt, the strategic plan we crafted together is lofty in its aspirations, and we launch it at a significant crossroads for higher education," wrote University President Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., upon announcing the approval of the plan. "But we know that it is also together that we will achieve concrete, positive outcomes on behalf of our students, campus community and broader Scranton family."

The next issue of this magazine, coming out in December, will have include detailed information about the new plan. 

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