Royals Get Ready to Vote in 2020 Elections

A voting resource hub is created to prepare as a University community for the upcoming election and encourage students to vote.

To prepare as a University community for the upcoming election, the Office of Community and Government Relations in collaboration with Scranton Student Government created a voting resource hub and encouraged students to vote this fall.
To prepare as a University community for the upcoming election, the Office of Community and Government Relations in collaboration with Scranton Student Government created a voting resource hub and encouraged students to vote this fall.

To prepare as a University community for the upcoming election, the Office of Community and Government Relations in collaboration with Scranton Student Government created a voting resource hub and encouraged students to vote this fall. The voter registration deadline for the state of Pennsylvania is Oct. 19. 

“It is important to me that my voice is heard by our leaders and that we collectively are able to put an end to voter suppression,” said student Ana Rhaman, an intern in the Office of Community and Government Relations. “I understand that while our elected officials pledge to represent us, half of the “us” are actually not represented when it comes to counting votes due to voter suppression.”

For many University students, this election will mark the first time that they are eligible voters. In addition to voting for the first time, many students will also need to navigate this election in a unique way due to the pandemic.

On the evening of Constitution Day, the University’s Political Dialogues Working Group hosted a virtual student Political Dialogue, “Values That Inform Your Vote.”  This dialogue offered 35 student participants from a variety of backgrounds and political affiliations the opportunity to engage in a non-partisan open discussion about their values and how they will translate into whom they will vote for at the ballot box, or mailbox, this November.

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