True Thabo: Making Clean Water a Right, Not a Privilege

Students team up to create True Thabo, a company whose sole mission is to provide clean water to schools to ensure that no student risks getting sick from their water source.

After senior Marissa Frank’s service trips to Ghana and Zambia, she realized many African communities overwhelmingly lack access to clean drinking water. Struck by this devastating reality, Frank and her friend (and now business partner) Jaclyn Campson ’18 teamed up to create True Thabo, a company whose sole mission is to provide clean water to schools to ensure that no student risks getting sick from their water source.

“Our goal is to make people aware that this crisis is occurring and how they can get involved,” said Frank.

True Thabo’s life-changing water systems are funded through water bottle sales; hence, their slogan, “Get Water. Give Water.” One hundred percent of the net proceeds from the bottle sales goes directly to providing water purification systems to partner schools in Africa. True Thabo equips these schools with not only the LifeStraw Community system and MadiDrops, ensuring that their water is clean enough to drink, but also provides the necessary curriculum on the water crisis and waterborne illness prevention.

"We have become advocates for our partner schools, and we take that job very seriously,” said Campson.

This year, True Thabo teamed up with the Social Entrepreneurship class to provide donations to benefit the Linda Community School located outside of Livingstone, Zambia.

Their donation will provide the school, home to 470 students, with water purification systems. 

Read the full article, here.

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