2017 Program News

Read select news about new and developing programs at Scranton.

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Master of Science in Finance Program Launches

A brand-new Master of Science in Finance (MSF) degree launched online in January 2018 and will begin on campus in fall 2018.

Housed in the AACSB-accredited Kania School of Management, the program is designed for individuals interested in careers in financial or investment management and can help prepare students for professional certifications, including the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program. The program requires 30 credits and may be completed in 12 months when taken on a full-time basis. Online students can complement their coursework with an optional three-day, on-campus residency involving an interactive experience in the Alperin Financial Center.

Read the full article, here.

Education for Justice is Now the Ellacuría Initiative

Education for Justice has been renamed the Ellacuría Initiative in memory of Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., one of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador.

The goals of Ellacuría programming are to reflect on the meaning of justice, spread awareness of injustice and of efforts being made to remedy injustice and respond to injustice. For the next two academic years, programming will focus on health issues and their relationship to justice. 

Read about Ellacuría Initiative, here.

Keeping Nurse Liaison Partners Informed

Scranton’s Clinical Liaison Nurse Model is a community-based, academic-practice partnership which pairs expert staff nurses with academic faculty with the goal of creating an improved learning environment for undergraduate student nurses and an added level of safety for patients. Started in 2009, the program relies on partners at the Regional Hospital of Scranton, Moses Taylor Hospital and Geisinger Community Medical Center.

This fall, nursing faculty met with partner practitioners at each hospital to update them about the program and report on its successes. According to Sharon Hudacek, Ed.D., professor of nursing, documented research indicates that results of this model include exceptional preparation for clinical practice and higher levels of student and nurse satisfaction within the clinical learning environment in acute-care hospitals. The program also enhances opportunities for recruitment and retention of nurses for hospital practice partners.

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