#YouAreWelcomeHere: Educating Local Students About Ghana

In November, nearly 100 students from local elementary and middle schools came to Scranton for a presentation about Ghana as part of International Education Week.

From left are: Nathan Graham, Scranton, a fourth-grade student at The Lutheran Academy; Aurora Lefever, Moscow, an eighth grade student at North Pocono Middle School; Treb Cacao, Scranton, a fifth-grade student at Prescott Elementary School; Aikins: and Huey Shi Chew, director of international students and scholar services at the University.
From left are: Nathan Graham, Scranton, a fourth-grade student at The Lutheran Academy; Aurora Lefever, Moscow, an eighth grade student at North Pocono Middle School; Treb Cacao, Scranton, a fifth-grade student at Prescott Elementary School; Aikins: and Huey Shi Chew, director of international students and scholar services at the University.

In November, nearly 100 students from local elementary and middle schools came to Scranton for a presentation about Ghana as part of International Education Week. 

Ekow Aikins, an MBA student and a native of Ghana, spoke about his country’s culture and language to students from Prescott Elementary School, The Lutheran Academy, North Pocono Elementary and North Pocono Middle School.

Aikins began the lecture by explaining the symbolism and meaning of the colors represented in Ghana’s flag. He also talked about Ghana’s traditional dress, food, tribes and regions. The lecture ended with a question and answer session, followed by a sampling of traditional Ghanaian food.

The lecture was sponsored by the University’s Office of International Programs and Services as part of International Education Week, a joint operation by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, to convey the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.

Read the full article, here.

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