Father Keller Hands Reins to Father Pilarz

The Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. H’15, began his second tenure as president of the University on June 1, and Herbert B. Keller, S.J. H’06, who was serving as interim University president, took over a new role in August: special assistant to the president.

The Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. H’15, began his second tenure as president of the University on June 1, and Herbert B. Keller, S.J. H’06, who was serving as interim University president, took over a new role in August: special assistant to the president. This new position is in addition to his ongoing responsibilities as rector of the Scranton Jesuit Community.

Father Keller served with distinction as interim president of the University during the 2017-18 academic year. “All of our students now understand better what graduates of Scran- ton Preparatory School know so well,” Father Pilarz said. “Fr. Keller is remarkably willing to be present in the lives of stu- dents. Among his goals this year, for example, was to meet as many members of the graduating class as possible, and he has worked mightily to achieve it.”

In his new role, Fr. Keller will be available to departments and divisions to work with students on matters involving the Jesuit identity of the University. He will also continue his ministry of presence on campus, providing pastoral care and support to students at activities, events and programs. In addition, he is an advisor to Fr. Pilarz and represents him at events both on and off campus.

In gratitude for Fr. Keller’s contributions to Scranton, the Board of Trustees voted to name the fieldhouse at the Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., Athletics Campus in honor of Fr. Keller. Signage for the Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J., Fieldhouse went up this summer. “In approving this well-deserved recognition, the board singled out his focus on getting to know students and understanding their transformational experience at the University,” Fr. Pilarz said. “I thank Fr. Keller for his service and for agreeing to continue to play an important part in advancing the Catholic and Jesuit mission of The University of Scranton.

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