Undergraduate Commencement
“I see young people moving all of us toward a more blessed and diverse community. You have always sparked change and been leaders when we needed it. The task of ending racism and poverty is not over, and we need you. The struggle to protect the environment, the unborn and the immigrant continues, and we need you.”
—The Most Rev. George V. Murry, S.J. H’18, Bishop of Youngstown, as delivered by Very Reverend Timothy P. Kesicki, S.J., Jesuit Conference
Bishop Murry, who received a leukemia diagnosis shortly before he was scheduled to speak at Commencement, has been the bishop of Youngstown, Ohio, since 2007, and he is active within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as the chair of the Committee Against Racism.
Read about undergraduate commencement on our news site, here

Graduate Commencement
"Today is an important milestone for you. You earned your master’s degree. You most likely will manage a department, a division or even your own company someday. You will be looked up to as a leader — someone with great responsibility. Please keep at the forefront of your life the Jesuit values that brought you here today.”
—Peter J. Danchak ’84, H’18, Regional President, PNC Bank, Northeast Pennsylvania
Danchak was born and raised in Scranton and is dedicated to his local community, serving on more than 20 boards or committees throughout his career, including the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry and the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties.
Read about graduate commencement, here.