Athletics Campus Dedication

Scranton dedicated its new $14 million Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., Athletics Campus at a ceremony on May 8.

Aerial view of the Althetics Campus
Aerial view of the Althetics Campus

Scranton dedicated its new $14 million Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., Athletics Campus at a ceremony on May 8. The campus is named in honor of Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., who served as the 25th president of Scranton from July 2011 through May 2017.

“Today is the culmination of much dreaming, planning and building. Today is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of The University of Scranton,” said then-Interim University President Herbert B. Keller, S.J., at the event “It was Father Quinn’s strong, unshaken resolve to build this campus that has led us to this day. It is so appropriate that this athletics campus bears his name — for it was he who envisioned this field of dreams, and he knew — if we build it, they would come.”

The 11-acre campus, located along Broadway Street in Scranton, will be home for the University’s soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, baseball and so ball Division III NCAA teams. The campus includes NCAA-regulation baseball and so ball fields and a multipurpose field that meet NCAA standards for soccer, lacrosse and field hockey. The campus also includes bleacher seating at each field, a field house with team locker rooms and a training room, parking, a community basketball court and a children’s play area.

The names of the three NCAA-regulation athletic fields at the new campus recognize the support of prominent alumni families: the Robert and Marilyn Weiss Field in honor of University Trustee Robert Weiss ’68 and his wife, Marilyn; the Charles J. Volpe Family Field, a name chosen by Charles (Chuck) Volpe Jr., Esq. ’82 and his wife, Ellen, in honor of the late Charles J. Volpe Sr. ’61, and his children and grandchildren who are graduates of the University; and Magis Field, a name chosen by former University Trustee Dennis J. McGonigle ’82 and his wife, Rachel.

“The University has benefited greatly from the decades of generous support received from the benefactors whom we are pleased to honor through the naming of these fields,” said Fr. Keller.

Read more about the naming of the fields on our news site, here.

Read more about the dedication, here.

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