Welcome, New Members of the Board of Trustees!

The new members of Scranton’s Board began their tenure at the start of the academic year, with the exception of Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. H’15 who began earlier.

Anne Drucker P’14, ’16 • Director, Global Program Management, Pfizer Health and Switch Portfolio

Did you know? She created the Dunstone-Drucker Scholarship in memory of her parents, William ’52 and Shirley Dunstone G’57 and husband, Steven.


Timothy J. Kacani ’87 • Managing Director, COO of Atlas • From 2001 to 2014, worked as the CFO of Lightyear Capital

Did you know? Kacani began his career at KPMG, where he worked in a variety of audit positions.


Kevin O’Brien ’80 • Practicing attorney, managing partner with the firm of Marks, O’Neill, O’Brien, Doherty & Kelly, P.C. • J.D., Seton Hall University School of Law

Did you know? O’Brien serves as a hearing committee member for the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.


Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. H’15 • Served as Scranton’s 24th president and will serve as its 27th president • M.A., philosophy, Fordham University; M.A., divinity, Weston School of Theology; Ph.D., English, City University of New York

Did you know? Under his presidency, Scranton received record admissions and undertook the largest construction projects in its history. Read more about Fr. Pilarz here and hear more from him here.


Maryla P. Scranton P’04 • Fundraising executive for nonprofit organizations • Served as director of development for the University and campaign director for its first national capital campaign

Did you know? She is married to the former Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, William W. Scranton III.


Anthony Simone ’90, P’17 • President at Renaissance Capital (Moscow), chair and CEO of RenCap Securities, Inc. (New York), CEO of Renaissance Capital Limited (London) and chair of Renaissance Capital Dubai • Accounting, The University of Scranton; MBA, Fordham University

Did you know? Simone and his wife, Kelley, were the inaugural co-chairs of the University’s Parents’ Executive Council (PEC).

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