Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship Awarded to University Student

Matthew Reynolds ’18 became the 12th Scranton student in 15 years to earn a prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.

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Matthew Reynolds ’18 became the 12th Scranton student in 15 years to earn a prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, the premier undergraduate scholarship for the fields of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.

Reynolds, of Apalachin, New York, is a biology and biophysics double major with minors in mathematics and computer science and a member of the undergraduate Honors Program. He was among 240 students from 157 colleges in the nation to earn a Goldwater Scholarship in the 2017-18 academic year and one of six students from Jesuit universities awarded a Goldwater Scholarship this year.

Among his many accomplishments, Reynolds has developed software for image processing and analysis for biological applications available to University students for the cellular biology lab, where he serves as an undergraduate teaching assistant. He also has written software programs for his research.

Read the full article, here.

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