Focus on Faculty

A collection of faculty news from spring 2017 is below.

Faculty members Thomas Hogan, Ph.D., and John Norcross, Ph.D., and staff psychologist Leah Popple, Psy.D., collaborate to publish books.
Faculty members Thomas Hogan, Ph.D., and John Norcross, Ph.D., and staff psychologist Leah Popple, Psy.D., collaborate to publish books.

Psychology Faculty and Staff Collaborate to Publish Books

Collaborations involving distinguished professors John Norcross, Ph.D., Thomas Hogan, Ph.D., and Leah Popple, Psy.D., a staff psychologist in the University’s Counseling Center, resulted in the recent publication of eight books, including Supervision Essentials for Integrative Psychotherapy, a collaboration between Dr. Norcross and Dr. Popple. The book features systematic and research- informed supervision of integrative psychology. The Clinician’s Guide to Evidence-Based Practices: Behavioral Health and Addiction is a collaboration between Drs. Norcross and Hogan. The book includes chapters on locating research through both filtered and unfiltered sources, as well as reading and interpreting research, translating research into practice, and integrating the patient and clinician with research.

Other publications include the five-volume APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology, edited by Dr. Norcross and two other colleagues, and the 2016/17 edition of the Insider’s Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology by Dr. Norcross and colleagues.

Read the full article, here

Sweet Songs Rock WUSR Thanks to Education Chair

Darryl De Marzio, Ph.D., chair of the University’s Education Department, has transformed a three-decade-long hobby into a weekly radio show featured on the University’s student-run radio station, WUSR 99.5. “I have been cataloging and collecting live recordings of Grateful Dead and other musicians’ live performances for almost 30 years,” said Dr. De Marzio.

Every Monday evening for the past two years, De Marzio has hosted his own radio show featuring the music of the Grateful Dead. Scranton faculty have joined him in the studio to share their love of music while offering their own insight on the meaning of Grateful Dead songs. Cyrus Olsen, Ph.D., professor of theology, recently joined De Marzio to discuss the biblical and religious significance of certain Grateful Dead songs. The radio show has grown in popularity, with listeners from Pennsylvania to Colorado calling in to show their appreciation for the show. De Marzio hopes to continue to promote the show across the state and beyond.

Women’s Health Research Panel Creates Cross-disciplinary Conversation

Women tend to prioritize others’ health over their own and focus on care of others rather than on self-care. This can be counterproductive, as focusing only on others leaves women without the emotional and physical resources necessary to be effective. That’s according to Dani Arigo, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at Scranton who studies social and psychological influences on women’s health. She recently coordinated a women’s health research panel to bring together faculty members from various departments at the University to “start a cross-disciplinary conversation about women’s health on campus.” The Women’s Studies Program and the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs sponsored the panel.

“Most medical research is done on men,” Cathy Mascelli, assistant director of the Center for Health Education and Wellness, said in her introduction, in which she cited a body of research to support this statement.

The panel discussion focused on important issues women face and the ongoing research to analyze and solve these problems. Topics included smoking relapse rates and weight control in women after childbirth, weight loss and gain in postmenopausal women, social and psychological influences on women’s health and health laws/policies affecting women.

“This talk shined a light on some things that aren’t really talked about a lot. Women’s studies, as they described, is very new in science, so I’m very excited about that and learning about all these things, especially having these professors in class,” said Leah Colussi ’19, an exercise science major.

Faculty Notes

2017 Teacher of the Year
Karen Brady, D.Ed., assistant professor for occupational therapy, was named Teacher of the Year by Scranton’s class of 2017. The award honors a faculty member who maintains high standards of academic excellence and fairness, and through enthusiasm and dedication, inspires the interest of students in a field of education.

Alpha Sigma Nu Teacher of the Year
Mary F. Engel, Ph.D., director of health-professional school placement and fellowship programs and associate professor of English and theatre at Scranton, was named the 2017 Alpha Sigma Nu Teacher of the Year.

Provost Faculty Enhancement Awards
Ten University of Scranton faculty members were honored recently with Provost Faculty Enhancement awards for excellence in teaching, scholarship or service.

Read about them here.

Faculty Awarded Summer Scholarship Grants
The University of Scranton awarded seven professors 2017 Faculty Development Summer Grants, which are intended to promote scholarship and curriculum development efforts by faculty members. This summer, they researched everything from “Ike’s Man at the UN: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and the United Nations 1953-1961” (Sean Brennan, Ph.D.) to “On the Origin of the Evolution Revolution: Conversations with the Pioneers of Evolutionary Psychology, Biology, and Anthropology” (Barry Kuhle, Ph.D.).

Read the full article here.

2017 Intersession Grants
George R. Gomez, Ph.D., Aiala Levy, Ph.D., Ismail Onat, Ph.D., Jordan Ruybal, Ph.D., and Donna Witek were awarded developmental intersession grants for January 2017. Their grants enabled them to research everything from developing a crime analysis minor (Dr. Onat) to studying how past and future evolution can alter the impact of climate change on mosquito-borne disease (Dr. Ruybal).

Read the full article here.

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