‘Ready to Lead’ Training is Held at Scranton

This past summer, The University of Scranton hosted 16 current and rising principals from the NativityMiguel Coalition for “Ready to Lead” training on effective educational leadership in impoverished urban communities.

Sitting on couch (left to right): Sarah Crilley, St. Martin de Porres Academy, New Haven, Connecticut; Lupita Alvarado, Guadalupe Regional Middle School, Brownsville, Texas; Melissa McQueen, Escuela de Guadalupe, Denver, Colorado; Sarah Carroll, St. James School, Philadelphia; Brittany Holiday, Hope Partnership School, Philadelphia; Standing (left to right):  Terry Shields, NativityMiguel Coalition; Patricia Ruppert, Sisters Academy of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland; Shakenya Humphries, Washington School for Girls, Washington, D.C.; Josephine Cioffi, IHM, NativityMiguel Schools of Scranton, Scranton; William Adamson, St. Ignatius School, Bronx, New  York; Amanda Marello, St. Martin de Porres Academy, New Haven, Connecticut;  Kevin Maloney, Durham Nativity School, Durham, North Carolina; Sharon Furey, Washington School for Girls, Washington, D.C.; Brittany Sachs, Cornelia Connelly Center, New York, New York;  Sherri Boskey, St. Aloysius School, Harlem, New York; Kitt Bret Harte, Imago Dei Middle School, Tucson, Arizona; Caitlin Bixby, Esperanza Academy, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Sitting on couch (left to right): Sarah Crilley, St. Martin de Porres Academy, New Haven, Connecticut; Lupita Alvarado, Guadalupe Regional Middle School, Brownsville, Texas; Melissa McQueen, Escuela de Guadalupe, Denver, Colorado; Sarah Carroll, St. James School, Philadelphia; Brittany Holiday, Hope Partnership School, Philadelphia; Standing (left to right): Terry Shields, NativityMiguel Coalition; Patricia Ruppert, Sisters Academy of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland; Shakenya Humphries, Washington School for Girls, Washington, D.C.; Josephine Cioffi, IHM, NativityMiguel Schools of Scranton, Scranton; William Adamson, St. Ignatius School, Bronx, New York; Amanda Marello, St. Martin de Porres Academy, New Haven, Connecticut; Kevin Maloney, Durham Nativity School, Durham, North Carolina; Sharon Furey, Washington School for Girls, Washington, D.C.; Brittany Sachs, Cornelia Connelly Center, New York, New York; Sherri Boskey, St. Aloysius School, Harlem, New York; Kitt Bret Harte, Imago Dei Middle School, Tucson, Arizona; Caitlin Bixby, Esperanza Academy, Lawrence, Massachusetts

This past summer, The University of Scranton hosted 16 current and rising principals from the NativityMiguel Coalition for “Ready to Lead” training on effective educational leadership in impoverished urban communities.

The 44 member schools in the Coalition serve more than 3,000 low-income students throughout the U.S. The schools offer a faith-based, academically rigorous, extended-day, year-round program to “empower students to greater achievement in high school and beyond,” according to their mission. 

Terry Shields ’93, director of the NativityMiguel Coalition, facilitates the leadership trainings. 

“The training is designed to help faculty members and new principals better understand the demands of leadership,” said Shields. “We discuss how they have to see themselves as leaders and have a clear understanding about what they want their school to be, as well as how to bring the whole school community into that vision.” 

The NativityMiguel School of Scranton opened in 2015.

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