Students Participate in Project Management Game

This spring, several engineering and KSOM students participated in the SimulTrain® project management game.

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This spring, several engineering and KSOM students participated in the SimulTrain® project management game, which presents students with challenges that simulate real-life scenarios, mainly related to the workplace. The simulations help students gain both leadership and teamwork skills. 

Robert Spalletta, Ph.D., and Andrew Berger, Ph.D., faculty in the Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, helped bring SimulTrain® to Scranton. Dr. Berger’s favorite part? “Watching the students interact, come together as teams and have fun competing while learning,” he said. “Both Dr. Spalletta and I were very happy to see how the students were putting classroom learning to use as they played the game.” 

SimulTrain® is played internationally within major corporations and around colleges and universities in Europe. It is used in more than 50 countries and has helped train 110,000 people in the workforce. The University of Scranton is the first university in the United States to play. 

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