
Laura Richards

Bob Sanchuk
Jason Thorne G’13

Contributing Editors
Cheryl Murphy
Randy Shemanski
Melissa Starace, Ed.D.
Stan M. Zygmunt ’84, G’95

Associate Writers
Sandra J. Snyder ’93
Sandy Stahl
Maura Sullivan Hill

Assistant Class Notes Editor
Margery Gleason

Adam Atkinson
Laura Barisonzi
Terry Connors
Ryan Strand Greenberg
Jim O’Connor

Kevin P. Quinn, S.J.

Vice President for Enrollment Management & External Affairs
Gerald C. Zaboski ’87, G’95

Vice President for University Advancement
Gary R. Olsen

Director of Marketing Communications
Lori J. Nidoh ’80, G’89

Director of Printing & Mailing Services
Valarie J. Clark

The Scranton Journal is published by The University of Scranton for its alumni and friends.

External Affairs & Enrollment Management Office
The University of Scranton
Scranton, PA 18510-4615

Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement
The University of Scranton
Scranton, PA 18510-4624


If your print issue is addressed to a graduate who no longer maintains a residence at your home, please tear off the mailing panel and mail it, with the corrected address, to the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement.

The University of Scranton is a Catholic, Jesuit educational institution serving men and women. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, sex, sexual orientation or age. © 2016 The University of Scranton

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