Leave a Legacy That Enriches Our Students’ Lives: Join The Estate Society Today

Talent will be nurtured, hope will be born, and the future will be transformed, one student at a time.

Leave a Legacy That Enriches Our Students’ Lives: Join The Estate Society Today banner image

Talent will be nurtured, hope will be born, and the future will be transformed, one student at a time.

Who? The Estate Society honors alumni, parents and friends who have designated The University of Scranton as the beneficiary in their estate plans through a charitable gift vehicle or who have made a gift to the University’s endowment.

Meaningful — and simple — ways to make a planned gift include:

• Remember Scranton in your will or trust

• Fund a win-win charitable gift annuity or life income gift

• Make a beneficiary designation in your IRA or insurance policy

• Permanently invest in the University’s endowment  

Why? When you plan a gift as part of your long-term estate and financial plans, you will first ensure that your present financial needs are met. You can also achieve your charitable giving goals and leave a legacy reflecting the value you place on an education grounded in Jesuit values. Most Estate Society members are able to make charitable gifts well beyond their expectations and dramatically impact future generations of Scranton students beyond measure.

When? The time is now! With smart planning, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. It is also important to ensure your charitable priorities are documented and recognized in your lifetime.

How? By simply stating your intent to make a planned gift, you will be welcomed into the exclusive membership of The Estate Society. Enrollment is non-binding and can be modified at any time.

To learn more, please contact Cheryl Murphy, associate vice president for development,at cheryl.murphy@scranton.edu or 570.941.4144. For helpful planning tools, articles and spotlights on Estate Society members, please visit our website: scranton.edu/plannedgiving.

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