Eight faculty members of The University of Scranton were awarded development intersession grants for January 2014.
Jeremy Brees, Ph.D., assistant professor of management/marketing, received a grant to research “Understanding How People Perceive Accountability.”
Maureen Carroll, Ph.D., professor of mathematics, received a grant to study “Finite Geometries.”
Arthur Catino, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry, received a grant to study “Synthesis of Hexaphenylethane.”
Zachary Huard, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of physics and electrical engineering, received a grant to research “Cluster Computing.”
Michael Jenkins, Ph.D., assistant professor of criminal justice, received a grant to study “Collective Bargaining Units and Innovation of Policing.”
Erica Lasek-Nesselquist, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology, received a grant to research “Examining Kelptoplastidic Relationships to Understand the Evolution of Endosymbiosis.”
Krzysztof Plotka, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, received a grant to research “Lineability of N-to-One Function Within the Classes of Hamel and Sierpinski-Zygmund Functions.”
Edward Scahill, Ph.D., associate professor of economics/finance, received a grant to study “Is the Fed Printing Money?”