Intersession Grants Awarded to Eight

Eight faculty members of The University of Scranton were awarded development intersession grants for January 2014.

Eight faculty members of The University of Scranton were awarded development intersession grants for January 2014.

Jeremy Brees, Ph.D., assistant professor of management/marketing, received a grant to research “Understanding How People Perceive Accountability.”

Maureen Carroll, Ph.D., professor of mathematics, received a grant to study “Finite Geometries.”

Arthur Catino, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry, received a grant to study “Synthesis of Hexaphenylethane.”

Zachary Huard, Ph.D., visiting assistant professor of physics and electrical engineering, received a grant to research “Cluster Computing.”

Michael Jenkins, Ph.D., assistant professor of criminal justice, received a grant to study “Collective Bargaining Units and Innovation of Policing.”

Erica Lasek-Nesselquist, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology, received a grant to research “Examining Kelptoplastidic Relationships to Understand the Evolution of Endosymbiosis.”

Krzysztof Plotka, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, received a grant to research “Lineability of N-to-One Function Within the Classes of Hamel and Sierpinski-Zygmund Functions.”

Edward Scahill, Ph.D., associate professor of economics/finance, received a grant to study “Is the Fed Printing Money?”

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