Saving Energy

Director of Sustainability Mark Murphy has identified many projects at the University that provide significant energy and cost savings.

Director of Sustainability Mark Murphy has identified many projects at the University that provide significant energy and cost savings. LED lamps and light fixtures were installed in some of our oldest and most ornate buildings on campus.

He investigates the integration of new technology to further reduce the University’s dependence on energy provided by fossil fuels and thereby reduces pollution. See the photos above for a slideshow of images of several buildings on campus that have recently undergone lighting redesigns.

The first photo of each building is accompanied by information on that building’s payback period (how long it took for the University to be paid back for the total cost of the project through savings in energy), as well as our annual energy savings in dollars and how many bulbs and fixtures were replaced to achieve that goal.

The Estate:
Payback 1.29 years (16 months)
Annual Energy Savings: $1,256
130 bulbs replaced

Sacred Heart Chapel:
Payback 1.44 years (17 months)
Annual Energy Savings: $1,244
75 light bulbs replaced

Madonna della Strada Chapel:
Payback: 1.13 years (13 months)
Annual Energy Savings: $1,860
80 light bulbs replaced

Houlihan-McLean Center:
Payback 2 years (24 months)
Annual Energy Savings: $2,007
160 light bulbs replaced

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