The University hosted two-day orientation sessions for the more than 900 members of the Class of 2017 and their parents and guests in July.
Orientation introduces new students and their families to the University’s procedures, facilities and support services, and provides them with the opportunity to meet with faculty, administrators, and staff, as well as each other. Incoming class members represent 15 states, Ireland and China, and more than 400 high schools.
At the July orientation sessions, students completed chemistry, mathematics, foreign language and composition placement tests. They also met academic advisors, attended presentations on support services and extracurricular activities, and participated in recreational and social activities.
Parents and guests learned about their new roles as parents of college students, as well as about resources and programs offered by University Ministries, Information Resources, Financial Aid, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and other departments at the University.
Orientation prepared the Class of 2017 for its first taste of campus life, which began at Fall Welcome and Move-In Day on Aug. 24.